Priority Mail feature

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#Comedy #Horror

In a zombie outbreak, it's up to one tenacious mail carrier to deliver the city's salvation. Rain, sleet, snow, zombies, or hail, nothing stops the U.S. Mail.




2 Reviews | 93 pages | 8 months ago | Draft 1
In a zombie outbreak, it's up to one tenacious mail carrier to deliver the city's salvation. Rain, sleet, snow, zombies, or hail, nothing stops the U.S. Mail.

Industry Reviews

Overall it's a fun script and the action scenes are excellent. But I think you have to go back and really craft your story with a focus on the protagonist's inner journey. She needs clear motivations and weaknesses. She needs to be devoid of something in the beginning, and it has to be clear to audience what that thing is. By the end, this thing she wants out of life needs to be satisfied, or at least give her clarity and a sense of renewal. That...

Peer Reviews

Overall, this story is fairly done, yet most information is told rather than shown, discouraging the reader. I might be wrong, but revisions are always available. Keep up the story, and fix the structure and dialogue.


A. By the fundamental elements:

Story: Fair
Concept: Fair
Structure: Poor
Character development: Fair
Dialogue: Poor

Overall: Fair

B. By mistakes (in no particular order):

1. Swear words: – 0.5...

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