Spiritual Awakening
by James Odulaja
117 pages
The Dragon and the Pendant
by Adam Velasquez
52 pages
Priority Mail
by Comicvs Brooks
93 pages
by Krunal Rangari
81 pages
Scripts tagged #Aliens
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
The contest between two alien beings over the ''control'' of the parallel earth is as a result of the clash of interest
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5 years ago | 1 reviews | 12 pages
Genre: Action/Adventure,Comedy,Horror
Have you ever wanted to know what's out there? This will tell you.
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5 years ago | 2 reviews | 16 pages
Genre: Drama,Mystery/Suspense,Thriller
This planet is no longer ours...
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4 years ago | reviews | 45 pages
Genre: Drama,Mystery/Suspense,Thriller
This planet is no longer ours...
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4 years ago | reviews | 40 pages
Genre: Mystery/Suspense,Horror,Thriller
This planet is no longer ours...
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4 years ago | reviews | 40 pages
Genre: Mystery/Suspense,Horror,Thriller
This planet is no longer ours...
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4 years ago | reviews | 40 pages
Genre: Action/Adventure,Comedy,Horror
Have you ever wanted to know what's out there? This will tell you.
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4 years ago | reviews | 16 pages
Genre: Action/Adventure,Comedy,Horror
Have you ever wanted to know what's out there? This will tell you.
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4 years ago | 9 reviews | 16 pages
Genre: Comedy,Sci-Fi/Fantasy
A young space alien is trapped on Earth after he explores and his ship leaves without him, leaving him to fend for himself with a man and his younger brother.
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4 years ago | reviews | 40 pages
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
After witnessing an alien spaceship crash to Earth during a morning hunt, a former Marine suffering from PTSD must reveal the truth before the government can cover up what they've discovered. But will anyone believe him with his compromised mental health?
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4 years ago | reviews | 65 pages
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy,Thriller
A young man and his friends try to survive the carnage strange creatures, regenerated by an alien experiment, bring to a small town.
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3 years ago | reviews | 60 pages
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy,Thriller
A young man and his friends try to survive the carnage strange creatures, regenerated by an alien experiment, bring to a small town.
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3 years ago | reviews | 55 pages
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy,Thriller
A young man and his friends try to survive the carnage strange creatures, regenerated by an alien experiment, bring to a small town.
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3 years ago | 1 reviews | 55 pages

Night Lasers short

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy,Thriller
A young man and his friend engage in a tense game of laser tag with lizard-like aliens.
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3 years ago | reviews | 4 pages
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Power Rangers.
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2 years ago | reviews | 19 pages
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy,Thriller
A young man and his friends try to survive the carnage strange creatures, regenerated by an alien experiment, bring to a small town.
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2 years ago | reviews | 57 pages
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Power Rangers.
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2 years ago | reviews | 23 pages
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy,Thriller
A young man and his friends try to survive the carnage strange creatures, regenerated by an alien experiment, bring to a small town.
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2 years ago | reviews | 57 pages
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy,Drama,Mystery/Suspense
In the pilot episode of The Blue Age, the emotionally struggling surgeon, Mr. Kay, seeks aid from Eve, a being from the dying dimension of White Space.
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2 years ago | 2 reviews | 57 pages
Genre: Animation,Action/Adventure
Two kids from Earth befriend a shapeshifting girl from another dimension, and discover an evil plot that threatens to destroy the multiverse.
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2 years ago | reviews | 23 pages
Genre: Animation,Action/Adventure
Two kids from Earth befriend a shapeshifting girl from another dimension, and discover an evil plot that threatens to destroy the multiverse.
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2 years ago | 1 reviews | 29 pages

Alien Invasion feature

Genre: Action/Adventure,Comedy,Sci-Fi/Fantasy
In the wake of his father's death, a teenager named Anthony along with his best friend Derek have to figure out why aliens are invading earth and killing people.
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1 year ago | reviews | 92 pages


Hide and Seek
by i n
11 pages


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